4. side Hustles Offer Opportunity
It is no secret that most of us live in a particular routine. As the observation goes, we are creatures of habit. And we’ve all heard the definition of insanity being “an individual who does the same thing over and over again and expects different results.”
Well, inversely, the opposite is true…and it is called “responsibility.” It is an individual who makes the choice to do something different in order to get different results.
It can be anything from exercise to finance, from organization to occupation. For our purposes, this is the person who shifts beyond the routine of life and begins something new…a side hustle. You will discover that as you push beyond your normal routine, new doors begin to open. These doors create opportunities. It can be through a supplier, a customer, an advertiser, a competitor, a friend, the media, or simply through your own financial increase.
What opportunities will your side hustle create?